I just spent the last night in my current room, my 3-week sanctuary. This morning I receive the keys to my new room, tonight mum and me are going to Sachsen-Anhalt to a family festivity (the coming-of-age party of one of my 2nd cousins) and on Sunday when we come back I will be in my new place. It's a flat which is being done up at the moment, where I was offered one room which is already finished. It is completely empty, so no furniture, no washing machine, no internet connection. It's very cenral though, so I'm envisaging sipping drinks outside of cafes with my laptop, using their hotspots, for uploading photos, or for using skype to talk to Pete, 2 things I can't do with my mobile.
The advantage of the flat is, I will live there on my own and I will have peace. It's an old house with dead corners and the need for renovations and the most endearing feature is the unsightly roof of the lower floor outside my window, cased in by 2 other, higher walls - which I can use as a little private terrace and from which I have a nice view of the little green garden - a perfect spot for painting!
Yesterday I did a try out day as a barmaid in one of our favourite lakeside cafes from 3 years ago. Unfortunately the weather was bad and it was dead, so nothing much to do - or show - so I have to do another try out next week. It was fun though, I enjoyed myself, and I hope I get a job there.
I'm trying to surround myself with beauty and hope and fun in May.
Does not sound to bad in the moment.
Hoffe, es geht für Dich und Euch weiter bergauf.
Ja, in der Theorie klingt es schon ganz gut, nicht wahr? Allerdings habe ich gerade festgestellt, dass die Praxis noch ganz schön hast ist. Ich hab eben grad auf den allerletzten Drücker mich von der Familienfeier zurückgezogen, weil ich plötzlich einfach nicht konnte. Hab mich selber grad geschockt, mußte da aber mal rücksichtslos ehrlich zu mir sein.
"brachial ehrlich"
so wurde eine Freundin von mir gerne umschrieben.
Hat nicht immer nur schöne Seiten. Aber wer den Mut hat, zu sich ehrlich zu sein, oder ehrliches ehrlich anzunehmen, kann merh als andere!
Wobei ich schon verstehen kann, dass es nicht einfach ist.
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