Wednesday, July 13, 2011

A month has passed. I'm 39 now. I have seen (and heard! :-)) Groenemeyer again, I've been renovating my kitchen, treated disrespectfully by my brother and paid him back in kind, picked cherries and raspberries in my garden, tried to mow the meadow ;-), wished I could have a dog/ donkey/cat/chicken and time for it, cried and cried and cried, moved into the 8th month of my now imaginated pregnancy, wrote 3 minutes / drew social atoms and laughed and laughed and laughed for my systemic course, found myself a new systemic counsellor - starting next week, waited for my husband to come home, dreaded my husband to come home, fixed my couch, slept well, was scared and lonely, read some heartening stories, talked to mum, ate too much, ate too little, visited Manchester and lots of old friends and my old stomping ground in Stoke and felt peace and respect and longing, had a beautiful counselling session with such special empathy that something started healing instantly, got rid of my grievance counsellor and had a good session with her too, started the seed of a brilliant idea for one of my dissertation projects in form of a movie, saw Kuersche with B, had the first visitors in my new home / had such a good garden picnic with my niece and her boyfriend and my mum that the neighbours thought it was my birthday :-), had some good chats with neighbours, remembered my real pregnancy, was overwhelmed with the task of getting this house sorted, got support from mum, chose and ordered new windows for the front, dealt with debts, not dealt with some other paperwork, saw my friend's son in his first staring role, felt utterly miserable and questioned everything, had some good talks with some very new beginning friends, stroked some dogs, stroked myself, sang on my bike from the top of voice, hugged my plum tree, made cassis liqueur, had a terrible email from my husband, had 2 really good skype calls with him / found out some truth and explanation that helped, felt some of his positive energy in other emails, had an awesome talk with my good friend in Stoke, got heaps and heaps of well-meant and misplaced advice, searched for my feelings, searched for my strength, found it in the support of dead people in my life - my grandma/ granddad/uncle Kurt/my baby, sunbathed in the garden, macheted a path through the weed, felt ugly and inappropriate, felt free and happy, slept in a toilet ;-), took myself out for meals, finished my drawing course, signed up for 'Aktzeichnen' and Capoeira!

My life is certainly rich.


Anonymous said...

Und ich habe mich gewundert, weil ich nix mehr von Dir gelesen habe.
Wie auch??
Dein Leben ist wirklich reich und voll.
LG von ganz woanders

Manja said...

Ja, wie auch? :-) Ein paar Dinge mussten weichen.. Aber nur vorübergehend.

Von ganz woanders - meinst Du das geographisch, biologisch oder theologisch? :-D

Anonymous said...

Das ehrt mich!
Du legst viel in meine schlichten Worte!