Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Because I'm bad OK, Mr Jackson. Is this the end of a nasty smear campaign against a great eccentric star or the end of a justice system, where juries can be bought by interests who support a freak for their own economic gain?

OK, der Herr Jackson. Ist dies das Ende einer abgefeimten Kampagne gegen einen grossartigen exzentrischen Star oder das Ende eines Rechtssystems, wo Juries gekauft werden können von Interessen, die aus monetärem Eigennutz einen Freak unterstützen?

Monday, June 13, 2005

Ich bin definitiv aufs Land gezogen. Heute morgen auf dem Weg zur Arbeit im Radio: "We sell tiles for your walls and tiles for your floors... Our boss is called Steve, and he's very nice, he sells loads of tiles at a very low price..."
Haach. Warum arbeite ich nicht mehr in der Werbebranche...

I have definitely moved to the country. This morning, on the way to work, on the radio: "We sell tiles for your walls and tiles for your floors... Our boss is called Steve, and he's very nice, he sells tiles at a very low price..."
Bleeess. Why ever did I leave advertising?

Friday, June 03, 2005

Ein schöner Tag...
Ok, Ihr erinnert Euch alle an die Begruessungsszene zwischen Aragorn und Haldir in Helms Deep? Den Satz hoert man mich in letzter Zeit oefter sagen, inclusive Betonung und Mimik.
What a day for a daydream...
Ok, you all remember the first greeting between Aragorn and Haldir in Helm's Deep? I can be heard uttering that sentence a lot these days, emphasis, smiles and all.